Working papers
Read academic working papers and practitioner reports. For permission to quote from them, or to comment on them, please contact the author.Exclusive Inclusivity: Securing Status and Legitimacy in the UK's Elite Professional Service Firms.
Louise Ashley and Laura Empson (Working Paper CPSF-0011 2013)
Leadership and Professionals.
Laura Empson and Ann Langley (Working Paper CPSF-0010 2013)
My affair with the 'other': Identity journeys across the research-practice divide.
Laura Empson (Working Paper CPSF-009 2012)
Convenient fictions and inconvenient truths: The role of paradox in understanding female career progression within leading UK accountancy firms.
Louise Ashley and Laura Empson (Working Paper CPSF-008 2012)
Financialization as a strategy of workplace control in professional service firms.
Johan Alvehus and Andre Spicer (Working Paper CPSF-007 2012)
Differentiation and discrimination: Understanding social class and social exclusion in the UK's leading law firms.
Louise Ashley and Laura Empson (Working Paper CPSF-006 2011)
Managing partners and management professionals: Institutional work dyads in professional partnerships.
Laura Empson, Imogen Cleaver and Jeremy Allen (Working Paper CPSF-005-Revised May 2012)
Beyond dichotomies: A multi-stage model of governance in professional service firms.
Laura Empson (Working Paper CPSF-004 2010)
"They're not all bastards": Prospects for gender equality in the UK's elite law firms.
Louise Ashley (Working Paper CPSF-003 2010)
Beyond received wisdom: An integrative perspective on organizing professionals.
Laura Empson, Joseph P. Broschak (University of Arizona) and Huseyin Leblebici (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) (Working Paper CPSF-002 2010)
Making a difference? The use (and abuse) of diversity management at the UK's elite law firms.
Louise Ashley (Working Paper CPSF-001 2010)
and research reports:
Reluctant Leaders and Autonomous Followers - Leadership Tactics in Professional Service Firms
How do leaders in professional service firms stake their claim for
leadership and, in an environment where all workers consider themselves
experts, how do they maintain this position of power?
Updated: 14/07/2014
Views: 3,018
Who's in charge? Exploring leadership dynamics in professional service firms
This research represents a ground-breaking, in-depth study into leadership
dynamics in professional service firms. It examines how leaders of these firms
exert their influence, and analyses how they enact and resolve internal power
Updated: 03/01/2015
Comments: 4
Views: 2,575
The Role of Knowledge Management Strategies and Task Knowledge in Stimulating Service Innovation
Are service firms that enact strategies to manage their new service
development knowledge able to generate a sustainable competitive advantage?
Based on analysis of data from a large survey of service companies, the answer
is yes. We find that companies employing the knowledge management strategies
of codification and personalisation reflect higher levels of NSD knowledge.
However, the two strategies vary in their individual performance outcomes, with
codification promoting NSD proficiency and personalisation promoting greater
NSD innovativeness. When used together, the two strategies magnify NSD
knowledge, which when combined with NSD proficiency and NSD innovativeness,
promote a SCA.
Updated: 04/01/2015
Comments: 8
Views: 2,659
The role of paradox in understanding female career progression within UK professional services firms
In recent years, professional services firms have increasingly promoted
their commitment to workplace gender diversity and inclusion (D&I).
Research demonstrates that there are three narratives commonly cited to justify
D&I. This study argues that the way in which organisational leaders combine
and utilise these three narratives can help to predict their success in
promoting gender diversity at senior levels.
Updated: 05/01/2015
Comments: 10
Views: 6,031
Resistance to knowledge transfer in mergers between professional service firms
It is known that the announcement of a merger creates a highly stressful
environment of uncertainty, fear and distrust. Even if redundancies are not
planned, individuals in both the acquired and the acquiring firms may fear loss
of status and changes to their established work norms.
Why do individuals resist knowledge transfer in the context of mergers between professional service firms? Professor Laura Empson provides an executive summary of her recent paper on this topic.
Why do individuals resist knowledge transfer in the context of mergers between professional service firms? Professor Laura Empson provides an executive summary of her recent paper on this topic.
Updated: 16/12/2014
Comments: 8
Views: 10,031
Unlocking the Catch-22 of institutional change
Traditionally partnerships are based on ambiguous and negotiated
relationships amongst professional peers, who are the firm's owners as well as
its core producers. But in recent years there has been a growing acceptance
amongst partners in large international law firms that they require more
explicit forms of performance measurement and management and more hierarchical
structures of governance in order to maximise Profits per Partner - the
professional partnership is becoming a bit more corporate.
It was this change which prompted researchers from the Centre of Professional Service Firms to study the rise of the management professional and their role in the professionalisation of management in large international law firms.
It was this change which prompted researchers from the Centre of Professional Service Firms to study the rise of the management professional and their role in the professionalisation of management in large international law firms.
Updated: 06/02/2013
Views: 4,017
Trust and values in the City
With the recent Occupy movement, the concept of ethics and trust in the City has barely left the news - the perception remains that the City does not serve the wider economy and society.
On October 27th 2011, leading figures came together to discuss a recent initiative to restore trust in the City. The aim of this initiative, established by The Rt Hon The Lord Mayor, Alderman Michael Bear, was to look at practical ways to embed the right values and behaviours in the DNA of every City business and worker.
Updated: 16/12/2014
Comments: 6
Views: 5,987
Playing it safe: Why law firms continue to discriminate on the basis of social class
It may come as no surprise to read that the UK's leading law firms
discriminate on the basis of social class when recruiting but most law firms
insist that they value diversity.
One question then is: whydo leading law firms persist in discriminating on the basis of social class? Read the full report to find out more.
One question then is: whydo leading law firms persist in discriminating on the basis of social class? Read the full report to find out more.
Updated: 06/02/2013
Views: 5,681
What is the role of the corporate leader in the innovation process post-financial crisis?
A joint project between Cass and the Chartered Insurance Institute
Updated: 01/01/2015
Comments: 12
Views: 11,579
Making a difference: the use (and abuse) of diversity management at the UK’s elite law firms
This research suggests that though diversity strategies do little to change
organisational cultures, those that recognise both the depth of professional
prejudice within the sector and the reality of educational inequality across
the UK may prove relatively progressive nonetheless.
Updated: 02/11/2011
Views: 3,960