
Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Sectoral Case Studies in Innovation: Knowledge Intensive Service Activities (KISA):

Sectoral Case Studies in Innovation: Knowledge Intensive Service Activities (KISA)

Results from the KISA study are beginning to appear on the OECD website at the above address. KISAs are knowledge-intensive services, whether provided internally or externally to firms in the manufacturing and service sectors. The focus is on how they that contribute to innovation processes.

"The project attempts to assist governments in assessing the effectiveness of the knowledge-intensive services they provide to firms, considering their effects on capability-building within firms in different industry sectors and the complementary nature of publicly and privately provide services.

"The project initially focuses on the software sector and the health care services industry; two other industries will be selected for further empirical analysis. The sectoral studies investigate the policy implications of viewing innovation systems as sets of knowledge-intensive service activities which form links between public and private players. They will map provision of KISA by public, private and hybrid (public-private) organisations in participating countries in the selected sectors. It investigates empirically how firms learn and build innovation capability through
the use and integration of KISA."

Papers on psoftware in New Zealand and Norway, and on Korean KISA, are currently posted.

Monday, August 09, 2004

PREST - Science and Technology Policy and Innovation Studies at Manchester

the 1995 KIBS report by Flanagan, Miles et al is now online.

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