
Tuesday, March 09, 2004

Working Futures UK employment/occupation projections to 2011; includes computer services, professional services, other business services; trend analysis, quantitative analyses.
"• Again four groups dominate employment:
• managers and senior officials;
• professional occupations;
• association professional and technical
• administrative, clerical and secretarial
• Each of the first three of these accounts
for around 1 in every 5 jobs.
• As in other industries, the first three
occupations have seen a rising share
of employment, while the last one has
experienced a declining share in recent
years, as the effects of ICT have hit."
(only slight variations in the above account for other sectors covered)
• Personal service occupations are also
expected to see a significant increase
in both their share of total employment
and the absolute number of jobs.
Replacement demands
• Substantial expansion demands of just
under 300,000 additional jobs by 2012
are reinforced by equally large replacement
• These affect all occupations, but are
especially important for the four occupations
highlighted previously and the personal
service occupations group."

"• These patterns are expected to remain
essentially unchanged over the next
10 years, with employment for all four
groups growing substantially.
• Sales and customer service occupations
are also projected to benefit and increase
their share of the total.
Replacement demands
• Total requirements are almost twice as
large as the already significant expansion
demand projected.
• These replacement demands are also
concentrated in the four main occupations
highlighted previously."
"• These recent trends are expected
to continue.
• Employment gains will be concentrated
in the first three occupational groups
(and to a lesser extent in personal
service occupations).
• The administrative, clerical and secretarial
group will see job losses.
Replacement demands
• In total, replacement demands are four times
as large as the expansion demand of over
a third of a million extra jobs by 2012.
• Replacement demands are concentrated
heavily in all four of the occupations
highlighted at the start of this section.
• Total requirements will amount to over
1.7 million over the next 10 years."

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