
Friday, May 15, 2009


Service design

The inspiring website from the ENGINE group: direct quotes below:

Service design is a design specialism that helps develop and deliver great services. Service design projects improve factors like ease of use, satisfaction, loyalty and efficiency right across areas such as environments, communications and products – and not forgetting the people who deliver the service. For a quick overview, download our Two minute guide to service design.

Engine's Service Design


Our process

Engine's service design process breaks down into three broad phases: Identify, Build and Measure.…


Typical projects

We help you to identify new opportunities for services and to bring them to life.…


Five fundamentals

To simplify how we look at the ways services work, we keep referencing to the Five fundamentals…


Working with Engine

All of Engine's projects are set up as creative and collaborative processes involving as many people…


Public service design

How should Government set about improving and innovating the public services that we all use? …


Designing people centred policy

How can User Centred Design techniques help public service managers design better services?…


Service Vigilante

Front line staff and designing from the ground up…


Value the Intangible

How people alone can make an experience, producing or completely transforming contexts…

ZEW Discussion Paper No. 08-109
The Role of Creative Industries in Industrial Innovation
Kathrin Müller, Christian Rammer, and Johannes Trüby
is excellent

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