Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Centre for Professional Service Firms
has a good working paper series available from this page!
GRIPS Innovatioon Blog
recent entries include:
Most recent blog entries |
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Rise of Services
These people dont seem to have heard of Gershuny and Skolka, and they don't explore empirical data very much - howevert they do elaborate a model relating together skilled and unskilled service work, productivity trends and imbalances, marketed services vs household production, and so on. The hypotheses and propositions they formulate are rather interesting ones.
The Rise of the Service Economy
Use a mirror | Francisco J. Buera, Joseph P. Kaboski NBER Working Paper No. 14822 ---- Abstract ----- This paper analyzes the role of specialized high-skilled labor in the growth of the service sector as a share of the total economy. Empirically, we emphasize that the growth has been driven by the consumption of services. Rather than being driven by low-skill jobs, the importance of skill-intensive services has risen, and this has coincided with a period of rising relative wages and quantities of high-skilled labor. We develop a theory where demand shifts toward ever more skill-intensive output as income rises, and because skills are highly specialized this lowers the importance of home production relative to market services. The theory is also consistent with a rising level of skill and skill premium, a rising relative price of services that is linked to this skill premium, and rich product cycles between home and market, all of which are observed in the data. |
Monday, March 30, 2009
public service innovation conference
an alternative to google scholar?
More links on service science
Friday, March 27, 2009
Teboul_ Services are Front Stage
I have used the Front/Back Stage metaphoir, but Tebuol discusses it systematically.
And I was led there from this interesting discussion of SSME by Dr Banavar of IBM Inida, at http://pld.nectec.or.th/websrii/images/stories/documents/presentations/dr.banavar.pdf
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Nordic Service Innovation policy
Service Innovation the Nordic Countries: Key Factors for Policy Design. Final Report
Drafted by Carter Bloch
With contributions from Elva Aðalsteinsdóttir, Per-Olof Brehmer, Jesper L. Christensen, Ina Drejer, Katja Hydle, Morten Berg Jensen , Jari Kuusisto, Ragnhild Kvålshaugen and Anker Lund Vinding.
Mapping Service Innovation Policy in the Nordic Countries
by Jari Kuusisto
Service Innovation in the Nordic countries: An analysis using CIS4 data
by Carter Bloch
Blurring boundaries between manufacturing and services
by Jesper L. Christensen and Ina Drejer
High performance work practices and innovation in the manufacturing and service sector
by Morten Berg Jensen and Anker Lund Vinding
Towards a taxonomy for Business Service Innovation - Literature Review
by Ragnhild Kvålshaugen, Katja Maria Hydle and Carter Bloch
A Taxonomy for Service Innovation
by Ragnhild Kvålshaugen, Katja Maria Hydle and Per-Olof Brehmer.
Mapping studies of service innovation policy for individual Nordic countries:
Mapping Innovation Policy in Services – Country Report Denmark
by C. Bloch and K. Aagaard
Mapping Innovation Policy in Services – Country Report Finland
by J. Kuusisto and S. Kotala
Service innovation policy measures in Iceland
by E. Aðalsteinsdóttir
Mapping Innovation Policy in Services – Country Report Norway
Innovation Policy Project in Services – Mapping Study of Sweden
by Eklund, U., Johannesson, C., Wiik, H. and Johaneson, A.
Service Design Network
designing for services
Essay Archive
Edited by Lucy Kimbell and Victor P. Seidel, collected in this innovative and highly illustrated volume are findings from the designing for services project. Particular focus is on the practices of an emerging discipline of service design grounded in the arts and humanities. Three case studies in which service design companies worked with science and technology-based enterprises are discussed, from a range of academic perspectives.
Download the complete publication or choose a specific essay from the selection below:
Designing for Services - Multidisciplinary Perspectives: Proceedings from the Exploratory Project on Designing for Services in Science and Technology-based Enterprises, Saïd Business School (2008)
Edited by Lucy Kimbell and Victor P. Seidel[1.4mb]
Lucy Kimbell and Victor P. Seidel[246k]
Service design: time to bring in the professionals?
Bruce Tether[77k]
Services innovation and operations: learning from services marketing
Antti Ainamo[112k]
Designing high-technology services, or not: a bittersweet tale of love and loss
Steve New[148k]
Service design modularity and technological innovation
Victor P. Seidel[100k]
Design research method - cultural probes
Lucy Kimbell[220k]
Experimental service design and innovation
Chris Voss and Leonieke Zomerdijk[109k]
Designing for services: design thinking and operations management - converging or parallel worlds?
Kate Blackmon[134k]
Reflections on the designing for services project
Anna White[105k]
Designing for services - a vocabulary
Designing value-creating systems
Rafael Ramirez and Ulf Mannervick[93k]
They know it in their gut
Ben Reason[202k]
A perspective on design theory and service design practice
Robert Young[135k]
Visualization and the design of services
Jennifer Whyte[160k]
Designing for services: videos as research outputs
Lucy Kimbell[137k]
Service design: a 21st century interdiscipline?
Lucy Kimbell[217k]
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
A good blog on service innovation and coproduction
This led me to the SDL forum - thanks to Gary R. Schirr!
BTW, I have been silent for ages due to computer upgrade and loss of password info. Should now be fixed on all my blogs.
a symposium including discussion of SDL as compared to SSME
Final papers
The full papers from each day's sessions are provided below. The presentations that accompany the papers are available here.
Tuesday, December 9 2008
Paper 1: R. Lusch & S. Vargo. (2008). A service-dominant logic perspective on collaborating for competitive advantage, Otago Forum 2: Academic Papers, 1-2. (PDF, 53KB)
Paper 2: J. Spohrer, L. Anderson, N. Pass & T. Ager. (2008). Service science and S-D logic, Otago Forum 2: Academic Papers, 3-18. (PDF, 118KB)
Wednesday, December 10 2008
Paper 3: V. Ramaswamy. (2008). The co-creation paradigm: Co-creating mutual value through engagement platforms and experiences, Otago Forum 2: Academic Papers, 19-20. (PDF, 58KB)
Paper 4: T. Hilton & T. Hughes. (2008). Co-production and co-creation using self service technology: The application of service-dominant logic, Otago Forum 2: Academic Papers, 21-40. (PDF, 148KB)
Paper 5: D. Ballantyne, R. Varey, P. Frow & A. Payne. (2008). Service-dominant logic and value propositions: Re-examining our mental models, Otago Forum 2: Academic Papers, 41-60. (PDF, 43KB)
Paper 6: S. Baron & G. Warnaby. (2008). Individual customers’ use and integration of resources: Empirical findings and organizational implications in the context of value co-creation, Otago Forum 2: Academic Papers, 61-79. (PDF, 151KB)
Paper 7: D. Flint, C. Blocker & P. Boutin. (2008). Co-creation, desired value anticipation and demand-supply integration in B2B relationships, Otago Forum 2: Academic Papers, 80-108. (PDF, 237KB)
Thursday, December 11 2008
Paper 8: D. Ford. (2008). IMP and SDL: Divergence, convergence and development, Otago Forum 2: Academic Papers, 109-125. (PDF, 147KB)
Paper 9: M. Schulz & J. Gnoth. (2008). Understanding the service-dominant logic of marketing from within the firm, Otago Forum 2: Academic Papers, 126-138. (PDF, 233KB)
Paper 10: R. Brodie, V. Little & J. Motion. (2008). Value postures and the service dominant logic: Between-firm and within-firm business perspectives, Otago Forum 2: Academic Papers, 139-164. (PDF, 182KB)
Paper 11: M. Purvis & A. Long. (2008). Wider perspectives on service dominant logic, Otago Forum 2: Academic Papers, 165-185. (PDF, 140KB)
Friday, December 12 2008
Paper 12: K. Storbacka & S. Nenonen. (2008). Scripting markets: From value propositions to market propositions, Otago Forum 2: Academic Papers, 186-212.(PDF, 487KB)
Paper 13: I. Karpen & L. Bove. (2008). Linking S-D logic and marketing practice: Toward a strategic service orientation, Otago Forum 2: Academic Papers, 213-237. (PDF, 172KB)
Paper 14: J. Williams & R. Aitken. (2008). Marketing ethics and the service-dominant logic of marketing, Otago Forum 2: Academic Papers, 238-267. (PDF, 1MB)
Paper 15: C. Grönroos. (2008). Adopting a service business logic in relational Business-to-Business marketing: Value creation, interaction and joint value co-creation, Otago Forum 2: Academic Papers, 268-287. (PDF, 332KB)