
Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Wkipedia on service innovation 

Service innovation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I thought it was time for this to be featured on the great Wikipedia.

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Services Science Management and Engineering 

SSMEnetUK is an EPSRC funded network of UK researchers
interested in Services Science Management and Engineering, launched in June 2007. The website currently sets out the rationale forthe network and
enables researchers to register their interest. The website is
organized as follows:

Founding members
References associated with this website
Register your interest

There are plans to put a lot of publications and other resources on this site.

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Open Economy 

Open Economy - Las nuevas reglas de la economía de la participación - Jose L. Marin y Juan Vicente García

Spanish-language (at present) blog/site on Knowledge Economy and services issues.

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Friday, August 03, 2007

Service-Dominant Logic
"The foundational proposition of S-D logic is that organizations, markets, and society are fundamentally concerned with exchange of service—the applications of competences (knowledge and skills) for the benefit of a party. That is, service is exchanged for service; all firms are service firms; all markets are centered on the exchange of service, and all economies and societies are service based. Consequently, marketing thought and practice should be grounded in service logic, principles and theories.

In line with S-D logic, it follows that instead of service marketing “breaking free” from goods marketing, as has been the pursuit of the services marketing sub-discipline for the last several decades, all of marketing needs to break free from the goods and manufacturing-based model—that is, goods-dominant (G-D) logic. S-D logic embraces concepts of the value-in-use and co-creation of value rather than the value-in-exchange and embedded-value concepts of G-D logic. Thus, instead of firms being informed to market to customers, they are instructed to market with customers, as well as other value-creation partners in the firm’s value network."

lots of links and some downloadables

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