
Sunday, March 26, 2006

Brookings Scholar: Jack E. Triplett
Jack Triplett's home page: man downloadables, including one on services overcomiong Baumol problem, which concludes:
"In their labor productivity and MFP performance, the services
industries have long appeared unhealthy, especially since the
great productivity slowdown after 1973. With some exceptions,
they appear lively and rejuvenated today. We find that labor
productivity growth in the services industries after 1995 has
proceeded at about the economywide rate. Moreover, these
industries have experienced an acceleration of labor
productivity after 1995 comparable to the aggregate
acceleration that has received so much attention.
With respect to the sources of labor productivity
improvement in the services industries, growth in MFP, IT
capital deepening, and increased use of intermediate inputs
(especially in the fastest growing services industries) all played
a role. With respect to the post-1995 acceleration of labor
productivity, however, MFP is the dominant factor in the
acceleration, because IT capital deepening was as prominent a
source of labor productivity growth before 1995 as it was after.
Griliches (1992, 1994) has suggested that measurement
difficulties—particularly conceptual problems defining and
measuring output and price deflators—might have made these
industries’ productivity performance in the past seem less
robust than it actually was. In our assessment, there has been
much improvement in the U.S. industry database in the past
decade, and the improved database makes us more confident in
the industry productivity estimates, even though much
measurement work remains to be done."

CBR CBR website:

further trawling reveals a lot of other service-related papers here, including :
(there is much more!)
"The national varieties of capitalism: the cases of Wal-mart and Ikea " Sue Konzelmann , Charles Craypo, Rabih Aridi, Frank Wilkinson
September 2005: WP314

"Will services be the new engine of economic growth in India? " Ajit Singh, Sukti Dasgupta
September 2005: WP310

"The Home-based Advantages and a Hierarchy of Location Advantages: Foreign and British-owned Firms in the London Wholesale Insurance Market " Lilach Nachum
June 2003: WP260

"Why Do Business Service Firms Cluster? Small Consultancies, Clustering and Decentralisation in London and Southern England " David Keeble, Lilach Nachum
March 2001: WP194

"External networks and geographic clustering as sources of MNE advantages: Foreign and indigenous professional service firms in Central London " Lilach Nachum, David Keeble
March 2001: WP195

"Mutuality and Corporate Governance: The Evolution of UK Building Societies Following Deregulation " J.Cook, Simon Deakin , Alan Hughes
June 2001: WP205

"The Professions Between State and Market: A Cross-National Study of Convergence and Divergence " Christel Lane , Margaret Potton, Wolfgang Littek
December 2000: WP189

"Measuring the Productivity of Professional Services: A Case Study of Swedish Management Consulting Firms " Lilach Nachum
March 1999: WP120

"The Market for External Business Advice Services in Britain " Robert Bennett, Paul Robson
March 1999: WP123

"Evaluating the Impact of Business Service Expertise and Business Links on the Performance of SMEs in England " John Bryson, David Ingram, Peter Daniels
March 1999: WP124

"Reinventing the Market? Competition and Regulatory Change in Broadcasting " Simon Deakin , Stephen Pratten
June 1999: WP134

"Rethinking Innovation Comparisons between Manufacturing and Services: The Experience of the CBR SME Surveys in the UK " Alan Hughes , Eric Wood
September 1999: WP140

"Management Consultancy in Europe " David Keeble, Joachim Schwalbach
February 1995: WP01

"Business Services, the Management of Change and Regional Development in the UK: A Corporate Client Perspective " Peter Wood
December 1995 : WP23

"The European Dynamics of Computer Services " Jeremy Howells
March 1996: WP27 - Abstract

"Retail Distribution Channel Barriers to International Trade " F.M. Scherer
June 1997: WP55

"Business Service Firms, Service Space and the Management of Change " John Bryson
June 1997: WP62

"Innovation in the Service Sector: Results from the Italian Statistical Survey " Rinaldo Evangelista, Giorgio Sirilli
December 1997 : WP73 - Abstract

"The International Supervisory Framework for Financial Services: An Emerging International Legal Regime " Kern Alexander
December 1997 : WP81b - Abstract

"On Markets in Knowledge " Suma Athreye
March 1998: WP83

CBR Search

WP140 on services vs manufacturing innovation: "Most previous research comparing innovation activity in the manufacturing and service sectors has taken insufficient account of the variation in the intensity and nature of innovation activity within those sectors. We address this question using a simple sectoral split and applying it to manufacturing and the business services sector. The results indicate that in some respects there is greater variation in innovation activity within manufacturing and business services than between them. In addition, there is strong similarity between corresponding groupings in each sector. Clear distinctions in innovation patterns do exist between the manufacturing and business service sectors, and imply a considerable depth of technological innovation capability within both sectors. These results imply that the supposed differences in innovation between manufacturing and services may have been exaggerated in earlier research. "

Welcome to the Web Site of the SETI Project:
Not the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence, but a project on Sustainable growth, Employment creation and Technological Integration in the european knowledge-based economy

Papers on this site include:


Imports of services and economic growth:A dynamic panel approach

International competitiveness in producer services

Large Firms and Internationalisation of R&D: 'Hollowing out' of National Technological Capacity?

Service Export Flows: Empirical Evidence For The European Union



the geography of the knowledge based economy: a regional approach"

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